Monday, 19 May 2008

Nicholas' Matric Dance 17th May 2008

It seems just like yesterday that he was born. Anyway he is now 18 and had his matric dance on Saturday. he Four Musketeers got togther prior to the dance at the Cape Manor Hotel in Seapoint kindly arranged for the boys by Robin's father, Richard. The parents, boys and girls all got together for some drinks and snacks prior to the depature to the dance. We had rented a stretch limo for them. Then then went to the ance at about 1830hrs. After the dance was the after party in Woodstock. They stayed until about 0400hrs in the moring and returned to the hotel. The also seemed to have had a complete blast.

Nicholas Hall and his main squeese Nicole Fritz.

And again ....

Klein soentjie for the pretty lady.....

The Four Musketeers. Jame, Nicholas, Ricardo and Robin.

With the four roses. Catlyn, Clarissa, Nicole and Francis.

Group photo with all the boys and girls.

Just in case they did not come right with the girls they thought they should check out what the second options were going to be for the night.

We were at Seapoint which is the Gay centre of Cape Town. Saying hi to some boys in the windows........

And showing of the muscles.....

Nichols with hi sister Stephanie.

The wheels for the evening. Stretch limo.

Very nice Pieter veeerryyy verrrryyyy nice neh. Inside of the limo.

Getting ready to paattaayyy....

All aboard and ready to go.....

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